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Business Plan

Business Plan and Why Your Business Needs it

The purpose of a business plan is far more reaching than you perhaps know. This article captures just enough to convince you that your business needs one. Here are a few reasons why you need it.

It Shows that You are Serious about the Business

First, a business plan shows for the seriousness you have about the business. With a formal plan of how you will launch and run your business, you stand a better chance of nodding the heads of your investors, partners, employees, and even yourself.

Gives You a Clear Path of Where You are Going

Every new business hopes to register notable milestones. However, it starts by setting a plan on the desired milestones. These can be broken down into short term and long term. Simply put, milestones act as goals and achievements the business desires to accomplish. A plan helps you become accountable and have realistic goals to wake up to everyday.

Helps You to Understand Your Competition

If you have done your homework, then you must have identified possible competitors in the market. It doesn’t help getting into the game if you don’t have an advantage over them. Laying down a plan will help your break down what you know about your competition, and help you set your business apart from them to justify your desirable market share.

Helps You to Understand Your Customer

Your customer will be the most important player in your business. If you are not able to serve them, then you won’t survive. Identifying their problem and developing an accessible solution for them will help you stay in profits. Now, you stand a chance to get more results by putting this down in a proper business plan.

Helps You Test the Feasibility of Your Venture

After doing enough homework about your new venture, you are probably excited about launching. The market may choose to respond faster or slower, depending on the nature of your execution. A good plan will help to identify important KPIs that will prove the validity of your business idea or otherwise.

To Document the Financial and Revenue Model

It is easy to assume certain figures especially when looking at the expenses side of things. A plan will help to document any expenses that will help run the business. This helps estimate the capital required, as well as the logic behind the business and the anticipated profit model. You can assess the challenges or any associated assumptions with the chosen revenue model. 

To Attract Financial Investors or Partners

You will definitely need a good business plan if you are looking to get help financing your business or bring on board partners. They all need to know that your idea is viable, the revenue model is on point, and the plan for execution is thorough, among other things.


Creating a formal plan for your business is not a good idea, it is a necessary thing. It may appear like a hassle, but it is a needful one if you need to get ahead with your business better. Let us help you create one by reaching out to us here.

Photo by William Iven on Unsplash

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